Black Bengal Goat: Origin, Characteristics, Uses

Black Bengal goat is a very useful small livestock in Bengal (West Bengal of India, and Bangladesh). It is a very common and popular goat breed in its native area. Raising these goats creates a great source of income for the poor people of Bangladesh. Currently there are about 25 million goats available in Bangladesh. Most of those goats are “Black Bengal goat”. This goat breed is very suitable for meat, milk and skin production.

Goat farming has a very important role in reducing unemployment and poverty in Bangladesh. Meat production and export play a very important role in earning currency from foreign country. And Black Bengal goat is really very perfect for this campaign. Meat of these goats is of high quality and has high demand in the market.

Both milk and meat of this goat is very tasty and nutritious than any other goat breeds. And it’s meat and milk has a great demand throughout the country. Although, milk production of these is relatively less as compared to many other goat breeds.

As the name suggests, Black Bengal is from Bengal (West Bengal of India, and Bangladesh). But it is also available in some neighboring countries such as Nepal. In India, these goats are mostly found in West Bengal, Odisha and Bihar. Black Bengal goats are very hardy and they can adopt themselves to local climate perfectly.

They can eat a variety of food and they have very good feed to meat conversion ratio. They are especially noted for converting low quality food to very high quality meat. However, here we are describing more about the characteristics, feeding, breeding and many other information about this goat breed.

Why Is Black Bengal Goat Very Popular?

The Black Bengal goat is very popular for several reasons. These goats are renowned for their adaptability to various climatic conditions and rugged terrains. The breed can thrive in harsh conditions where other breeds struggle and not able to survive.

They are very hardy and strong animals. Their excellent resistance to diseases, low maintenance requirements, and high fertility rates make them a favorite goat breed among farmers.

They are highly prized for their high-quality meat and milk. And the breed contributes significantly to the livelihoods and economies of native regions where it is prevalent.

The Black Bengal goat continues to be a valuable asset for small-scale and subsistence farmers throughout the world with its docile temperament and ability to thrive in diverse environmental conditions.

Origin and History

The Black Bengal goat breed originated from the Bengal region (West Bengal of India, and Bangladesh) of South Asia. It has a rich history intertwined with the agricultural traditions of it’s native area.

The breed is believed to have descended from wild goats indigenous to the region. And it has been selectively bred over centuries for its desirable traits.

Historical records indicate that this goat breed was prized for its fine quality meat, milk, and skin (dating back to ancient times). Throughout history, the Black Bengal goat breed has played a crucial role in the livelihoods of farmers in the region (serving as a source of sustenance and income).

Over time, its reputation for adaptability, disease resistance, and high productivity spread throughout the world. Today, the breed remains a symbol of resilience and productivity in agricultural landscapes throughout the world.


Black Bengal goats have a broad chest, ears are always on top, horn may small or medium. Their body is tight and relatively shorter than other goat breeds. The hair of the skin is smooth. This goat breed start producing baby goat at their 12-15 months of age, or even earlier. The female goat became pregnant twice a year. In proper care and management they can produce more than 2 kids each time.

We can get about 11 kg of consumable meat and a high quality skin from a goat weights about 20 kg. The skin of the goat is really a very valuable byproduct. Semi intensive method is very effective for Black Bengal goat farming.

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Despite the name, Black Bengal goats actually come in an array of colors including black and white markings, gray, brown, and even markings similar to Alpine and Oberhasli goats.

The Black Bengal goat is a relatively small sized animal. Average body weight of the adult bucks is about 25-30 kg, and the does on average weight about 20-25 kg.

Housing Requirements

Setup the goat house in dry and high place. And it will be better if you can make the house in such a place where it is free from flood water. Building the house vertically east-west and faced to south will be very good. Ensure proper water discharge facility within your goat’s shelter.

Goats don’t like to live in overcrowded place. They like clean places with the facilities of free air and light. A house with 5 feet long, 1.5 feet wide and 6 feet height is perfect for a pair of goats. On an average 10-14 squire feet space for adult and 3-8 squire feet for baby goat is required. You can make a house for your Bengal goats with low cost and easily available materials or concrete. Type of house actually depends on your budget.

It will be better if you can make a bamboo or wooden platform inside the house. It would be 1 meter high from the ground and the roof will be 6-8 feet high from the platform. If you want to keep the goat in the ground then, you have to keep enough sand or husk in the floor. The rain water must not enter the room directly.

In winter season spread 1.5 inches thin straw in the floor. It will keep the goat warm. Clean the straw once or twice in a week. Also ensure adequate ventilation system. Keeping some large windows while building the house will be good.

Dietary Requirements

Feeding the goats with very high quality and nutritious food is the most important part of raising goats. You will need a pasture dedicated to your goats if you want keep them without giving additional supplementary food. Black Bengal goats can easily survive on pasture only.

You can also feed them 250-300 grams of home prepared grainy food daily. In a mixture of 10 kg grainy food the required components are, 4 kg of broken rice, 5 kg rice bran, 0.5 kg broken pulse, oyster powder 0.2 kg and salt 0.3 kg.

You can also feed the goat straw processed by nitrogen. Because, processed food contains a high quantity of vitamins and it is easily digestible. After feeding grainy food the provide the goat sufficient clean water. An adult goat needs about 1 liter of water daily.

Health management

Raising goats in confined method is much risky than the fee range method. So, you have to always keep in mind the proper health management of goat. Spread of of diseases or other health problems in goat farming is very harmful. So, it is very important to take proper arrangement for preventing various goat diseases. Otherwise you can’t expect profit from your farm.

You have to monitor the health condition of a goat form the day you bring it to your farm. Check the body temperature of the goat regularly for the first five days. Consult with a vet immediately if anything goes wrong.


These black goats are naturally excellent breeders. And natural breeding is practiced for breeding these goats. Generally, one mature buck is enough for breeding about 25 to 30 does. Both male and female goats reach maturity within their 9-10 months of age. But it is not recommended to breed them at this age. Rather, wait until they reach at lest 12 months of age.

There are actually no specific breeding season of these goats, and they can be bred throughout the year. Does cycle every 18-21 days and are known for a very high conception rate. And a doe can give birth of 1-3 kids per kidding.


The Black Bengal goats are very strong and hardy, and they generally require less caring and other management. Although, taking additional caring will help the goats to stay healthy, grow better and produce more. Here we are trying to list the top caring task of these goats.

Caring the breeding bucks: Breeding bucks require especial caring. Feed them with nutritious food and try to keep them separated from other goats. Although, you can allow the buck to roam freely with does if you have a few goats.

Caring pregnant does: For the healthy development of pregnant goat, dry her off at least 6-8 weeks before expected delivery. Before 15 days of expected kidding, take goat into an open and clean room which is filled with straw on the floor. After giving birth, clean the udder of the doe with tincture iodine and then kid gets its first colostrum drink within 30 minutes of its birth.

Caring newborn goat kids: Clean the nostrils, face and ear of a kid immediately after birth. Do this process with the help of dry cotton cloth, and remove the placental membrane. Gentle rubbing will be very effective for cleaning the newborn kids. Hold the kids up with their hind legs if the newborn kid is not taking breath. Do this by having head downwards. This will help to clear it’s respiratory tract.

Caring goats after delivery: Clean the room properly after delivery and also clean the back portion of goat with Neem water or iodine. After delivery give sugary water to the goat and after that hot feed is given to goat which includes mixture of ginger, salt, metal sawdust and sugar.

Vaccinate your goats timely: CDT or CD&T are the core vaccination which are given for protecting the goats from Clostridial diseaes. Tetanus vaccination should be given at the time of birth. When the kid reaches 5-6 weeks, booster vaccination is given and after that it is given once in the year.


Black Bengal goat is very hardy. They can survive on very low quality food, and they generally require almost no additional fodder while foraging the native landscape. These goats can adapt themselves to a wide variety of climatic conditions. They can even adapt themselves well to other climates outside of Bangladesh.

black bengal goat, bangladeshi goat, goat farming bangladesh, black bengal goat farming, black bengal goat bangladesh


Most of the Black Bengal goats are very gentle, loving and friendly. They are easy-going companions and generally require less caring. They can also be kept with other livestock animals.


Average lifespan of the Black Bengal goat typically ranges from 8 to 12 years. Although in proper care and other management, these goats may live even longer.


The Black Bengal goats are highly prized for their high-quality meat. Their meat is tender, flavorful and has great popularity in various culinary traditions. The breed is also very good for milk production.

Popularity and Price

The Black Bengal is a very popular goat breed in it’s native area, and the price is also very high. Visit any of your nearest or local livestock market to know more about the current price.


Profits from Black Bengal goat farming projects depends on appropriate prices of the breed, proper care, housing, good management system. So, always be careful about those factor.

Marketing process of goat products are very easy. As the meat and milk of this breed have a great demand internationally. So, you don’t have to think about marketing your products. Try to sell your goat where their value is relatively high. But never transport the got so far by foot or vehicles for getting more benefits. It hampers the goat health much.

Review full breed profile of the Black Bengal goat in the following table.

Breed NameBlack Bengal
Other NameNone
Breed PurposeMainly kept for meat production, but also good for high quality skin production.
Breed SizeSmall
BuckAbout 25 to 30 kg
DoeAbout 20 to 25 kg
Climate ToleranceAll Climates
Coat ColorMainly black
Good for Stall FedYes
Country/Place of OriginBangladesh

What Are The Benefits of Raising Black Bengal Goats?

There are many benefits of Black Bengal goat farming. The main of those are described below.

  • As these goats are smaller animals, so their food demand is relatively low.
  • They require less space for living than other livestock animals.
  • Capital requirement or investment for starting goat farming business with this breed is very low and it is within the ability of general people.
  • Diseases are relatively less than other domestic animal.
  • Does can produce many goats within short time.
  • The female goats became pregnant twice a year and give birth 2-3 baby goats each time.
  • Meat, skin and milk of this goat have huge demand in Bangladesh and abroad.
  • Milk of these goats is of very good quality and can prevent tuberculosis and asthma. For this reason it has a great demand to the Bangladeshi people.
  • Raising Black Bengal goats can be an additional source of income for the landless farmer.
  • Commercial production of these goats can be a great employment source, especially for the educated but unemployed people.
black bengal goat, bangladeshi goat, goat farming bangladesh, black bengal goat farming, black bengal goat bangladesh

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People ask many questions related to Black Bengal goats. Here we are listing some questions and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. But if not, feel free to ask us.

Is Black Bengal goat farming a profitable business?

YES, definitely! Black Bengal goats are very efficient in converting food to high quality meat. They also require less caring and other management. However, commercial production of these goats is highly profitable.

How to start Black Bengal goat farming?

Starting a farm with these Bengal goats is very easy. Purchase good quality goats, make a good shelter for them, feed them well, take good care and you are done. They will produce high quality meat.

What is the Black Bengal goat used for?

The Black Bengal goats are used mainly for meat production purpose. Their meat is of very high quality.

Is Black Bengal goat good for milk production?

No, the does are poor milkers. So, raising these goats for milk production purpose is not a good idea.

What does a Black Bengal goat eat?

A Black Bengal goat can eat almost everything whatever they find edible in front of them.

Who decoded genome sequence of Black Bengal goat?

AMAM Zonaed Siddiki. A group of researchers from five universities in Chatttogram have decoded the full genome sequence of Black Bengal goat.

Which breed of goat is imported from Bangladesh?

Black Bengal goat.

Black Bengal goat price in Bangladesh?

Depends on the age and size of the goat. The price can vary from 3,000 BDT to 25,000 BDT or even more.

Where Black Bengal goat for sale available?

These goats are easily available and sold at every livestock market in Bangladesh. You can also search the local classified websites.

How much Black Bengal goat weight in 12 months?

A Black Bengal goat will weight between 10 and 15 kg within their 12 months of age.

What is Black Bengal goat origin?

As the name suggests, these goats were originated from Bangladesh.

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